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M.Ed on Education and Innovation: EDUCMI01 - Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment


In this course, students will reflect in-depth on their current teaching practices, especially in terms of how effective they consider different aspects of their current practices are for promoting high-quality learning among their students, and how their practices are influenced by prevailing curriculum and assessment guidelines and frameworks. They will reflect on what can be meant by high-quality teaching and high-quality learning.  Throughout the course, students’ reflections on teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment practices will be informed and deepened by insights and findings from the national and international research literature.


Students will engage critically with pedagogic innovations (e.g., metacognition, assessment for learning, dialogic teaching, inquiry- based learning, problem-based learning). They will be encouraged to incorporate within their practice one or more of the listed innovations. They will consider the implications of these innovations for teaching, learning, assessment, and curriculum development in their own professional contexts of practice.  In these ways, the course provides a practical focus for examining and understanding interrelationships among curriculum, teaching, learning, and assessment.


Course Resources

Week 1

Introduction to the course, procedures, and assignments.

Teaching and Learning

The nature of teachers’ knowledge

Learning theories

Required Readings

Recommended Readings

Week 2



Components, dimensions, and representative curriculum designs

Mapping and alignment: Linking learning outcomes, pedagogies, and assessment.

*Hands-on activities with unit plan/lesson plan that include clear learning objectives (see online resources below for support)

Required Readings

Recommended Readings



Week 3

Curriculum models

Pedagogic Innovations

Dialogic Teaching

Required Readings

Recommended Readings

Week 4

Pedagogic Innovations


Inquiry based learning

Required Readings

Recommended Readings


Week 5


Pedagogic Innovations:

Problem based learning

Assessment: Assessment for/as learning (Pedagogic Innovation)

Required Readings

Recommended Readings

Week 6


Assessment of learning

Differentiated assessment

Hands-on practice with interdisciplinary assessment (see online resources below for support)

Required Readings

Recommended Readings


Week 8

Data-driven Assessment: Making Informed Decisions to Optimize Teaching and Learning

Required Readings

Recommended Readings

Week 9

Effective teaching - Reflective Practice

Required Readings

Recommended Readings


Week 10


Student Consultation: Help Shaping the Curriculum, Pedagogies and Assessment

Required Readings

Recommended Readings

 Week 11

Curriculum - Future Developments and Trends

Course revision and activities

Required Readings

Recommended Readings