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Referencing Guide: Online Magazines

APA Referencing and style guide

Magazine article from a database

List of references

Author, A. A. (Year, Month of publication). Title of article. Magazine Title, volume number(issue number), page-page.


Breslin, J. (1963, December 14). A death in emergency room no. one. Saturday Evening Post, 44, 30-31.


In-text Citation

(Breslin, 1963).

Magazine article from the Internet (freely available)

List of references

Author, A. A. (Year, Month of publication). Title of article. Magazine Title, Retrieved from URL 

Copeland, L. (2011, January 26). The anti-social network: By helping other people look happy, Facebook is making us sad. Slate. Retrieved from

In-text Citation

(Copeland, 2011).