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Referencing Guide: Author(s)

APA Referencing and style guide

Personal Author

The person who writes a book is referred to as a personal author.  When a company, organization, university, college, etc. writes a book they are referred to as a corporate author. 

Single Personal Author

Invert the author's name and use initials only for the first and second names.  Use capital letters for the first letter of the first word of the main title, subtitle and all proper nouns, such as names, countries.

List of References

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.


MacDonald, R.G. (2007). Biochemistry. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

In-text Citation

(MacDonald, 2007).


Book with 2 -7 authors

If there are 2 to 7 authors, provide the last name and initials of each author separated with a comma.  List surnames as they appear in the document.

List of References

Author, A.A., Author, A.A., Author, A.A., Author, A.A. & Author, A.A.  (Date of Publication).  Title.  Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.


James, C., Cameron, P. D., Smith, Y. N., Hawthorne, H., & Cushing, S., M. (2005). The sociological theory of people and places. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

 In-text Citation

First citation:
(James, Cameron, Smith, Hawthorne, Cushing, 2005).

Subsequent citations:
(James et al., 2005).


Books with 8 or more authors

List the first six authors then add three ellipses followed by the last author's name.


Ford, M. N., Fielding, D., Reed, P. L., Harmon, M., Ulrich, B. T., Wheeler, K...Peel, J. (2009). Who constructs the mind?Deland, FL: Coleman Books.

In-text Citation

(Ford et al., 2009).

No Author or Editor

 If a work has no identifiable author (personal, organization, or editor), begin the reference with the title.

List of References

Title.  (Edition). (Date of publication). Place of Publication:  Name of Publisher.


Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. (10th ed.) (2007). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

Manneristical. (n.d.). Collins English dictionary: Complete & unabridged (10th ed.). Retrieved from


In-text Citation

1. ... (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 2007).

Note: Italicize the name of a journal, book, website, brochure or report.  Use capital letters for each word.

2. ... ("Study Finds", 2009).

Note: Use double quotation marks (" ") around the title of a chapter or article.

Corporate Author(s)

A corporate author is an organization, business, university, college, etc.

List of References

Corporate Author (Capital Letters for Main Words).  (Date of publication).  Title.  Place of Publication:  Name of Publisher (can be abbreviated if same as author).


Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. (2004).  With united strength: H.H. Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the leader and the nation.  Abu Dhabi: ECSSSR.

In-text Citation

(Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 2004).

Book chapter

-Chapter from book with a single author :

General Format:

Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial. (YEAR). Chapter title. Title of the book (pp. #-#). Place of Publication: Publishing Company.


Clason, G. S. (2008). The tale of seven remedies for a lean purse. The richest man in Babylon (pp. 23-25). Charleston, SC: BN Publishing.

"The tale of seven remedies for a lean purse" is the chapter title. APA style uses p. for a one page item and pp. for multiple pages.     


In-Text citation :

(Clason, 2008).


-Chapter from an edited book with different authors for each chapter (anthology):

Berry, W. (2005). War does not maintain peace or promote freedom. In L. I. Gerdes (Ed.), War: Opposing viewpoints (pp. 71-79). Detroit, MI: Greenhaven Press.


In-Text citation :

(Berry, 2005).
