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Referencing Guide: Books

APA Referencing and style guide


This information relates to all formats of books; printed or electronic and online. It includes chapters in books, articles in encyclopedias and edited books.

Citation elements of books

Title.  Use capital letters only for the first letter of the first word of the main title and subtitle.  Use capital letters for the first letter of any proper noun; country, person, etc.

Author. Invert the author's name;Last name or family name, Initials of first name and middle name.  For example, Swanson, B.M.

Edition. The edition statement must be abbreviated; 5th ed., 2nd rev. ed.

Name of publisher.  The publisher is the company, organization that has produced the book.  Use capital letters for the first letter(s) of the publisher's name; McGraw-Hill. Do not use a printer as a publisher.

Date of publication.  The date of publication should be the latest date, or date of latest edition.  If there is no publication date use the copyright date; c2005.  Do not use a date of printing.  If there is no date use the abbreviation n.d.

Title page & Verso of the title page

When you are looking for the information to create a citation you should open the book to the main title page and to find publication details you can also turn to the page after the title page - called the verso.