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Referencing Guide: Websites

APA Referencing and style guide



Websites refer to online/electronic resources, such as webpages, blogs, wikis and emails.  For information on sources such as electronic books, electronic journals, online newspapers, etc. refer to the format tab.


blog (a truncation of the expression weblog)is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first).

Non-periodical/non-book webpage

Give the direct URL when citing a single webpage.

Author, A. A. (Date)  Title of website. Retrieved from URL


The Kodish Group. (2008). Teeth whitening services. Retrieved from

Note:  Include the date of retrieval if the webpage content is likely to be updated.

In-text Citation

(The Kodish Group, 2008)

Non-periodical/non-book website

Give the URL to the website's homepage when citing more than one page of a website.


Dental Technology Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from


In-text Citation

("Dental Technology," n.d.).


Blog posting


Christina. (2011, January 12). {New year} projects to keep me on my toes! [Web log post]. Retrieved from

In-text Citation

(Christina, 2011).