While you will include references to works you have used in your research paper in the reference list at the end of your paper, you also need to provide in-text citations. These are like signposts to help guide your reader between the quote (or paraphrase) and the reference at the end of your paper.
• In-text (parenthetical citations) using the name-year system usually contain the author's last name and publication year of the reference.
• If authorship is uncertain, use the first word or first few words of the title and the year (p. 176). Titles of an article, chapter, or web page should be given in double quotation marks. Titles of a periodical, book, brochure, or report should be italicized.
• Each in-text citation should correspond to a citation in the list of references at the end of the paper.
Excellent examples of in-text referencing can be found in Curtin University's APA Referencing Guide
Click here to know how to make In-text Citation
In-Text Citations