Activities represent the interactive part of Moodle and they encourage the participation of the students. Usually, an activity is something that a student will do that interacts with other students and or the teacher. Some of the activities can also be graded.
To add an activity you have to turn the editing mode on first, and then select one of the activity types from the "Add an activity or resource" link.
Here is a brief descriptive list of selected activities available:
- Assignments - Enables teachers to grade and give comments on uploaded files and assignments created on and offline. It can be integrated with Turnitin.
- Attendance - Enables a teacher to take attendance during class and students to view their own attendance record.
- Choice - A teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses.
- Feedback - A tool that teachers can use to collect general feedback or to create surveys.
- Forum - Allows asynchronous communication with participants to your course.
- Glossary - Allows participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, like a dictionary.
- Lesson - Enables teachers to combine resources that support learning and assessment.
- Quiz - Allows teachers to create quiz tests, which may be automatically graded.
- Turnitin Assignment 2 - Creates a Turnitin Moodle Direct assignment which links an activity in Moodle to an assignment/assignments on Turnitin.