You can click on Edit settings to modify a number of settings about your course, from its name to when it starts and ends.
Only Course full name and Course short name are required and they are usually created when the course is created. However, all settings can be changed at any time.
For details about a setting, you can click on the Help icon (TIP: wherever you see the icon you can click for more information).
Here are some useful settings:
Calculate the end date from the number of sections - For courses in weekly format only, the course end date may be calculated automatically based on the course start date and the number of weeks. If course sections (weeks) are added or removed, the course date is changed automatically. If 'Calculate the end date from the number of sections' is ticked, the course end date can not be set manually.
Course Format
Format - This setting determines if you want to organize the course into weekly sections or topics.
​Show gradebook to students - Since not all faculty use the Moodle gradebook, this setting is by default set to No, in order to avoid confusion for the students. If you wish to use the gradebook and make it visible to the students, you should change this setting to Yes.
Group mode - Here you can decide to use different groups at the course level. Using groups can be helpful for professors teaching different sections of the same course.
The course format setting refers to the layout of the course. There are four standard course formats:
Select Custom and edit the title of the topic. Finally, save your changes.
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