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Adding sessions

To add a class session, click on the Add session tab on the top bar.

Alternatively, you can click on the Add link in the Attendance block.

You can add both single sessions (a time-consuming option) or multiple sessions at once. Select Multiple sessions to create all attendance for the entire semester.

Add sessions


  • Select the date and time of the first session in the Add session section.
  • Select the duration of the session.
  • Check "Repeat the session above as follows" is you wish to add multiple sessions.
  • Select the days of your sessions.
  • Select the date of the last session under Repeat until.
  • Click Add to save the sessions.

If you check the "Allow students to record own attendance" option, students will be able to change their own attendance status for the session.

Viewing and Editing Sessions

In order to view the saved sessions, you can click on Sessions from the top bar. A list of sessions will appear. You can view the entire list or select a monthly, weekly, or daily view.

To edit each session, you can click on the cog icon.

To delete a single session, you can click on the corresponding cross icon.

A bulck action can be performed by selecting multiple sessions and choosing the action in the drop down menu at the bottom of the list. The options are Delete and Change duration.


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