In this course, interns will take an increasingly significant role in the Secondary learning environment with their university tutors’ and school-based mentor’s guidance and support. The SPPP3 culminates with interns leading the classroom for an extended period of time, demonstrating their readiness to join the teaching profession as reflective practitioners. A key focus of SPPP-3 is to support interns extend and deepen the range of their developing expertise and expanding repertoires of tried-and-tested pedagogical practices through repeated Try-and-Assess Practice (TAP) cycles undertaken by interns in the context of teaching a series of full lessons to meet the learning outcomes of a curriculum unit. The aim of this course is to support interns develop greater confidence and expertise in teaching whole lessons, greater fluency, adaptive responsiveness, and sense of timing in their classroom practice, and a growing sense of professional membership as a practicing teacher. Beyond the classroom, interns will be supported in the continuing development of their wider roles at the placement school.
Week 1
Recap on Reflective Practice
Test-and-Assess Practice (TAP) Cycles
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Chapter 1.
Week 2
Annotated Lesson Planning
Modeling Reflection in and on Action through Lesson Video Analysis
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 3
Seeing our Teaching through Students’ Eyes
Dialogic Teaching- Facilitating Classroom Discussions
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 4
Teachers as Collaborative Thinkers- Joint Planning and Reflection
Metacognitive Strategies in Teaching and Learning
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 5
Facilitating Student Engagement
Active Learning Strategies
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Bond, M., & Bedenlier, S. (2019). Facilitating student engagement through educational technology: Towards a conceptual framework. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, (1), 11.
Week 6
Formative Assessment or Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Meaningful Feedback
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 7
Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning (AoL)
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Dolin, J., Black, P., Harlen, W., & Tiberghien, A. (2018). Exploring relations between formative and summative assessment. In Transforming assessment (pp. 53-80). Springer.
Week 8
Elements of a Unit Plan
Unit Plan Analysis
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 9
One Size Does Not Fit All: Pedagogic Differentiation
Inclusive Teaching Practices
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 10
Teacher Values and Beliefs Questionnaire (TVB questionnaire, Part 2)
Revisit TVB Questionnaire, Part 1
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 11
Teachers as Life-Long Learners
Teachers as Researchers
[Interns fill the “end of program” Attitudes and Views about Teaching and Learning questionnaire]
Required Reading
Recommended Reading