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Pre-Service Secondary Postgraduate Diploma in Education: EDUSPPP2 - Secondary Professional Practice Placement- 2 (SPPP2): Growing responsibility for the planning, conduct, and evaluation of classroom lessons


In this course, interns will engage in focused observations and gradually assume increasing responsibility, alongside their school-based mentor, for facilitating teaching and learning in the secondary grades, managing the learning environment and other related duties for a group or class of students. Interns will continue to develop their teaching skills and demonstrate the ability to critically reflect on the effectiveness of one’s own practice through engaging in repeated Try-and-Assess Practice (TAP) cycles in the context of mini-lessons. In SPPP2, interns will grow in independence with respect to professional expectations, lesson planning, teaching, and assessing student learning. Interns will critically reflect on and analyze the in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge gained in concurrent coursework and in classroom settings. Interns will design and implement a series of lesson plans and engage in reflective practices based on microteaching (and for some more confident interns, based on teaching lessons at the placement school) through self-reflection and peer observation using teacher evaluation criteria aligned with the UAE National Teacher Professional Standards. Beyond the classroom, interns will be supported in the development of their wider roles at the placement school.


Course Materials

Week 1

Learning to Teach Progression

The Reflective cycle as an intern

Required Reading

Recommended Readings

Week 2

Learning to Teach Progression

Collaborative reflections

UAE National Teacher Professional Standards

Required Reading

UAE National Teacher Professional Standards

Recommended readings

Reflective Journal Entry 1 due

Week 3

Introducing the Try-and-Assess (TAP) cycle

Gaining confidence in trying it out

Peer-to-peer collaboration

Required Reading

Chapter 7

Recommended Reading


Week 4

TAP cycle

Testing a pedagogic focus – planning, trying out and reflecting

Peer-to-peer collaboration

Required Reading

  • Cajkler, W., & Wood, P. (2014). Lesson study in initial teacher education. In Lesson Study (pp. 107-127). Routledge.

Recommended Reading

Reflective Journal Entry 2 due

Week 5

TAP cycle

Testing a pedagogic focus – refining and trying out refinements

Required Reading

Recommended Reading

  • Wilson, E. (2015). How to Do Action Research. School-based research (pp. 107-123). Sage.

Week 6

TAP cycle

Active learning approaches

Hands-on learning activities

Required Reading

Recommended Reading

Reflective Journal Entry 3 due

Week 7

TAP cycle

Assessment for and as learning within the TAP cycle

Required Reading

Recommended reading

Week 8

TAP cycle

Student voice in planning for learning – gathering data to inform the TAP cycle

Required Reading

Recommended Reading

Reflective Journal Entry 4 due

Week 9

TAP cycle

Multimodalities in reflection

Exploring alternate ways of reflection

Required Reading

Recommended Reading

Week 10

TAP Cycle

Summative assessment or assessment of learning (AoL)

Required Reading

Recommended Reading

Reflective Journal Entry 5 Due

Week 11

Pedagogic Innovation and Risk-Taking

Bringing it all together towards professional membership as a practising teacher

Required Reading

Recommended Reading

Chapter 13

Portfolio due

Portfolio presentations