This course focuses on key principles, in both theory and practice, of effectively engaging students in mathematics learning. Interns will use the knowledge of content to develop a comprehensive understanding of mathematics pedagogy and assessment which will encourage learner autonomy, participation, and engagement, ultimately to enhance growth, development, and attainment. There is an emphasis on supporting learners to develop metacognitive strategies to strengthen their skills and understanding, as well as the means of creating a supportive and inclusive classroom learning environment that allows for a wide diversity of both student engagement and expression preferences. Mathematics education classroom experiences will provide a deeper focus on professional practice through the conduct of a teacher research project that involves the collection, analysis, and reporting of data as a way of going deeper into the mathematics pedagogy, assessment, and the research skills needed by teachers to be effective in the classroom. The course experiences are implicitly enriched with technology applications and platforms, thus supporting interns to ensure that technology plays a prominent role in their classroom practice too.
Week 1
Required Reading
Brahier, D. J. (2020). Teaching secondary and middle school mathematics. Routledge. (Chapter 3 , pp. 59-74).
Recommended Reading
Fitriani, H. N., Turmudi, T., & Prabawanto, S. (2018, December). Analysis of students error in mathematical problem solving based on Newman’s error analysis. In International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Vol. 3, pp. 791-796).
Week 2
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 3
Required Reading:
Baten, E., Praet, M., & Desoete, A. (2017). The relevance and efficacy of metacognition for instructional design in the domain of mathematics. ZDM, 49(4), 613-623.
Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (2020). Teaching and learning geometry and spatial concepts. In Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (Eds.), Teaching secondary school mathematics: Research and practice for the 21st century. Routledge.
Recommended Reading:
Week 4
Required Reading
Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (2020). Teaching and learning algebra. In Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (Eds.), Teaching secondary school mathematics: Research and practice for the 21st century (pp. 199-217). Routledge.
Recommended Reading
Week 5
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 6
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 7
Required Reading
Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (2020). Teaching and learning chance and data. In Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillman, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (Eds.), Teaching secondary school mathematics: Research and practice for the 21st century. Routledge.
Bliss, K. M., Fowler, K. R., & Galluzo, B. J. (2014). Math modeling: Getting started & getting solutions. SIAM.
Recommended Reading
Laurens, T., Batlolona, F. A., Batlolona, J. R., & Leasa, M. (2017). How does realistic mathematics education (RME) improve students’ mathematics cognitive achievement? Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(2), 569-578.
Week 8
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 9
Required Reading
Recommended Reading
Week 10
Required Reading
Recommended Reading