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M.Ed. Curriculum and Learning Design( CLD): EDUCLD6 - Cognitive and Social Cultural Foundations of Learning

Course Description

This course aims to develop in-depth, specialized and advanced knowledge and comprehensive understanding of the major concepts in the discipline and between related fields. The students will critically evaluate and reflect on the cognitive and social cultural foundations concepts and their implications to educational practices in the UAE and international contexts. The students will also critically reflect on the complexity and challenges of designing innovative approaches in relation to learning theories and technology. Students will also have opportunities to discuss in-depth current development in theories of foundations of learning in relation to own professional practice for the improvement of teaching and learning


Peters, M. A. (2015). Socrates and Confucius: The cultural foundations and ethics of learning. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47 (5), 423-427. 10.1080/00131857.2014.930232

Anderson, T. (2016). Theories for learning with emerging technologies. Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications, 35-50. Athabasca University Press

Wang, Z., Chen, L., & Anderson, T. (2014). A framework for interaction and cognitive engagement in connectivist learning contexts. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(2). 10.19173/irrodl.v15i2.1709

Anderson, B. A. (2016). The attention habit: how reward learning shapes attentional selection. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1369(1), 24-39. 10.1111/nyas.12957

Schwartzstein, J. (2014). Selective attention and learning. Journal of the European Economic Association, 12(6), 1423-1452.

Harvey, A. G., Lee, J., Williams, J., Hollon, S. D., Walker, M. P., Thompson, M. A., & Smith, R. (2014). Improving outcome of psychosocial treatments by enhancing memory and learning. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(2), 161-179. 10.1177/1745691614521781

Salaberry, M. R. (2018). Declarative versus procedural knowledge. The TESOL Encyclopaedia of English Language Teaching, 1-7.

Luft, J., Hill, K., Nixon, R., Campbell, B., & Dubois, S. (2015). The knowledge needed to teach science: Approaches, implications, and potential research. In annual meeting of ASTE

Mesoudi, A., Chang, L., Dall, S. R., & Thornton, A. (2016). The evolution of individual and cultural variation in social learning. Trends in ecology & evolution, 31(3), 215-225.

Heyes, C. (2017). When does social learning become cultural learning? Developmental Science, 20(2). 10.1111/desc.12350

Barkema, H. G., Chen, X. P., George, G., Luo, Y., & Tsui, A. S. (2015). West meets East: New concepts and theories. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 460. 10.5465/amj.2015.4021

Goldie, J. G. S. (2016). Connectivism: A knowledge learning theory for the digital age? Medical teacher, 38(10), 1064-1069. 10.3109/0142159X.2016.1173661




Goldstein, E. B. (2015). Cognitive psychology: Connecting mind, research and everyday experience. Cengage.

Baddeley, A. D. (2017). The concept of working memory: A view of its current state and probable future development. In Exploring Working Memory (pp. 99-106). Routledge.