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APA 7th referencing style Examples

This is a guide to using the APA 7th referencing style from the American Psychological Association. It is based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Referencing webpages

Important information   Use these examples if the page is not from a larger publication eg. newspaper or if no other reference type fits it.

  • If you use multiple pages from within the same website, reference each page individually.
  • If referring to a website in general, do not include it in the in-text reference or in the reference list. Include website name within the text and add the web address in parentheses. For example - The survey was developed using Checkbox ( 
  • Leave out the name of the website if the author and site name are the same.
  • If a part of the date is not available eg. not specific date eg. March 16 or no month, just include the year.

The University of Queensland. (2020).

The University of Queensland. (2020, October).

The University of Queensland. (2020, October 15).

  • If there is no date at all, include n.d.
  • If there are references with the same author(s) and year, list them in alphabetically by title in the reference list. For he first of these references, add "a" after the year, b after the year for the second reference and so on. Use the relevant letter after the year in the in-text reference.

Webpage within website - individual author

Elements of the reference

Author(s) of page – person or organisation, use & for multiple authors. (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page - italicised. Website name. Web address

In-text reference

(Shapiro & Cowan, 2017)

Shapiro and Cowan (2017) mentioned that ....

Only include Year

Reference list

Shapiro, R. E., & Cowan, R. (2017, January 10). Key points about caffeine and migraines. American Migraine Foundation.

EndNote reference type

Web Page

Add Month Day to Last Update Date field if needed.

If there is no date or no month, these can be left out eg. Shapiro, R. E., & Cowan, R. (2017). OR Shapiro, R. E., & Cowan, R. (2017, January).

Webpage within website - group author

Elements of the reference

Group author name. (Year, Month Day - if available). Title of page - italicised. Website name - if needed. Web address

In-text reference

(Mayo Clinic, 2017)

Mayo Clinic (2017) stated that ....

Only include Year

Reference list

Mayo Clinic. (2017, March 8). Nutrition and healthy eating.

EndNote reference type

Web Page

Add Month Day to Last Update Date field if needed.

If there is no date or no month, these can be left out eg. Mayo Clinic. (2017) OR Mayo Clinic. (2017, March).

Webpage within website - no date

Elements of the reference

Group author name. (n.d.). Title of page - italicised. Website name - if needed. Web address

In-text reference

(Australian Psychological Society, n.d.)

Reference list

Australian Psychological Society. (n.d.). Anxiety disorders.

Leave out the name of the website if the author and site name are the same.

EndNote reference type

Web Page