This course is situated within the realm of building national capacities for school evaluation and improvement. The course is designed within the scope of building professional learning communities among and across various schools and their stakeholders. In addition, the course overarches the role of educational leaders and managers in promoting: organizational and community learning, partnerships and collaboration. Given the appropriate content and design for constructing professional development and learning communities’ programs, the course acknowledges the significant links between professional and community learnings on one hand and school improvement on the other hand; within the framework of sustainable professional learning.
Blaik Hourani, R. & Stringer, P. (2015). Professional development: Perceptions of benefits for principals. International Journal of Leadership in Education, Routledge. 18(3), 305-339. DOI: 10.1080/13603124.2014.904003.
Blaik Hourani, R. & Stringer, P. (2015). Designing professional development in a context of change: The case of Abu Dhabi. Professional Development in Education, Routledge, 41(5), 777-805. DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2014.938356.
Stewart, V. (2011). Raising Teacher Quality Around the World. Educational Leadership.December 2010/January 2011 | Volume 68 | Number 4
The Effective Educator Pages 16-20
Zimmerman, J (2006). Why some teachers resist change and what principals can do about it. NSSP Bulletin, 238-249.
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