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PGD-SEI: EDUSEI1-Implications, means and processes

Course Description

This course introduces the notions of school evaluation. It addresses the implications, means and processes of school evaluation, in order to promote school effectiveness and educational innovations. The course focuses on the concepts of school evaluation in terms of the role of school stakeholders in probing, liaising and facilitating the school evaluation process. In addition, the course emphasizes on the means that school administrators, managers and leaders need to initiate, facilitate and materialize to enhance school effectiveness and innovations. Within the process of school evaluation the course elements underpinning school effectiveness and innovation are endorsed. The course highlights global and regional perspectives and contexts of school evaluation in alignment with school improvement and educational innovations


Leithwood, K., Harris, A. & Hopkins, David (2008). Seven strong claims about successful school leadership. School Leadership & Management, 28(1), DOI: 101.1080/13632430701800060.

Jones, K. & Tymms, P. (2014). Ofsted’s role in promoting school improvement: the mechanisms of the school inspection system in England. Oxford Review of Education, 40(3), 315-330.

McNamara, G., a & J. O’Hara. (2006). Workable compromise or pointless exercise? School-based evaluation in the Irish context. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 34(4), 564–582.

Blaik Hourani, R., & Litz, D. (2016). Perceptions of school-evaluation process: The case of Abu Dhabi. School Leadership & Management, 36(3), 247-270.

Abu Dhabi Education Council (2016).

Abu Dhabi Education Council (2016). UAE school inspection framework.

Inspectorate Department of Education and Skills (2016). Six-step process. Retrieved from, 2020/six-step-process/

Inspectorate Department of Education and Skills (2016). School selfevaluation guidelines 2016-2020. IDES.

The UAE School Inspection Framework

Evaluation Support and Research Unit (2006). A Guide to whole-school evaluation in primary schools. 

Peurach, D. J., Glazer, J. L., & Winchell Lenhoff, S. (2016). The Developmental Evaluation of School Improvement Networks. Educational Policy, 30(4), 606–648.

Gaertner, H., Wurster, S., Pant., H. A. (2013). The effect of school Inspections on school improvement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25(4), 489-508, DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2013.811089

Ehren, M., Perryman, J., Shackleton, N. (2015). Setting expectations for good education: how Dutch school inspections drive improvement, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 26(2), 296-327, DOI: 10.1080/09243453.2014.936472

Tuytens, M., & Deevos., G. (2017). The role of feedback from the school leader during teacher evaluation for teacher and school improvement. Teachers and Teaching, 23(1), 6-24, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2016.1203770

Devos, G., &Verhoeven., J. C. (2003). School self-evaluation – conditions and caveats. The Case of secondary schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 31(4), 403–420

Schildkamp, K., Visscher, A., & Luyten, H. (2009). The effects of the use of a school self-evaluation instrument. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 20(2), 69-88.

McNamara, G., &O’Hara., J. (2006). workable compromise or pointless exercise? School-based evaluation in the Irish context. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 34(4), 564–582.

Yin, S., & Yeung, S. (2011). A school evaluation policy with dual character: Evaluation policy in Hong Kong from perspective of curriculum leaders. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(1), 37-68.

Plowright, D. (2008). Using self-evaluation for inspection: how well prepared are primary school head-teachers? School Leadership & Management, 28(2), 101-126.

Pounder, D. (2011). Leader preparation: implications for policy, practice and research. Educational Administration Quarterly, 4(1), 258-267.

Stringer, P., & Blaik Hourani, R. (2015). Transformation of roles and responsibilities of principals in times of change. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 44(2), 224-246.

Harris, A. (2010). Leading system transformation. School Leadership & Management, 30(3), 197-207

Fullan, M. (2002). The change leader. Educational Leadership, 59, (8), 16-20

Useful Websites and Resources

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Educate Together

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