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M.Ed.Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): EDUABA9 - Applications of Behavior Analysis

Course Description

Students will demonstrate comprehensive, advanced and highly specialised knowledge of dissemination and cultural considerations within behavior analytic practice, both globally and within the UAE perspective. Students will synthesize research and recent developments related to core elements of personnel supervision and management. Students will develop innovative, original recommendations that contribute to professional practice within the UAE. Students will also employ highly developed communication skills to critique applications of behavior analysis. During this course, students will examine how behavior analysis is applied to the fields of business, teaching, health, sports and fitness, therapy, driving, safety, applied animal behavior, technology, and gerontology.





Useful Websites

Course Materials List

Week 1

Required reading:

Bailey, J. S. & Burch M. R. (2016). Ethics for behavior analysts, 3rd Edition. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Chapter 13. Public statements

BACB (2014). Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. Retrieved from:

Kelly, M. P., Alireza, I., Busch, H. E., Northrop, S., Al-Attrash, M., Ainsleigh, S., & Bhuptani, N. (2016) An overview of autism and applied behavior analysis in the Gulf Cooperation Council in the Middle EastReview Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 3(2), 154-164.

Kelly, M.P., Martin, N., Dillenberger, K., Kelly, A.N., & Miller, M.M. (2018). Spreading the news: History, successes, challenges and the ethics of effective dissemnation. Behavior Analysis in Practice. doi: 10.1007/s40617-018-0238-8

Recommended readings:

Critchfield, T.S. & Doepke, K.J. (2018). Emotional overtones of behavior analysis terms in English and five other languages Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11 (97).

O’Leary, P., Miller, M., Olive, M. and Kelly, A. N. (2017). Blurred lines: Ethical implications of social media for behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 10, 45-51.


Week 2

Required reading:

Fong, E.H., Catagnus, R.M., Brodhead, M.T., Quigley, S., & Field, S. (2016). Developing the cultural awareness skills of behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(1), 84-94.

Olsen, P. M., & Kelly, M. P. (2020). Applied behavior analysis with Arab-muslim populations: The importance of cultural awareness. In B. M. Connors & S. T. Capell (Eds.), Multiculturalism and diversity in applied behavior analysis: Bridging theory and application (pp. 140-163). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.


Recommended readings:

Fong, E.H., Ficklin, S., & Lee, H.Y. (2017) Increasing cultural understanding and diversity in applied behavior analysis. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 17(2), 103-113.

Jones, E. W. & Hoerger, M.L. (2015). Brief report: establishing ABA programs in a Welsh context: cross cultural considerations, European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 10(2), 249-253

Week 3

Required reading:

Bailey, J., & Burch, M. (2010). 25 essential skills & strategies for the professional behavior analyst: Expert tips for maximizing consulting effectiveness. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

Chapter 24. Training, coaching and mentoring training

Week 4

Required reading:

Carr, J.E., Wilder, D.A., Majdalany, L., Mathisen, D. Strain, L.A. (2013). An assessment-based solution to a humanservice employee performance problem. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 6(1), 16-32.

Week 5

Assessment 1: Dissemination project presentations

Week 6

Required reading:

Bacon, D. L., Fulton, B. J., & Malott, R. W. (1983). Improving staff performance through the use of task checklists. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 4(3/4), 17-25.

Catania, C. N., Almeida, D., Liu-Constant, B., & DiGennaro Reed F. D. (2009). Video modeling to train staff to implement discrete-trial instruction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 387–392

Lettimore, L. P., Parsons, M. B., & Reid, D. H (2008). Simulation training of community job skills for adults with autism: A further analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1(1), 24-29.

Week 7

Required video:

Performance appraisal:

Week 8

Required reading:

BACB (2014). Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. Retrieved from:

Subcode 1.03 Maintaining Competence through Professional Development

Carr, J. E., & Briggs, A. M. (2010). Strategies for making regular contact with the scholarly literature. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 3(2), 13-18.

Week 9

Required reading:

Krentz, H., Miltenberger, R., & Valbuena, D. (2016). Using token reinforcement to increase walking for adults with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 49, 745-750.

Quinn, M.J., Miltenberger, R.G. & Fogel, V.A. (2015). Using TAGteach to improve the proficiency of dance movements. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 48, 11-24

Recommended readings:

Ek, K., Miltenberger, R., & Valbuena, D. (2016). Promoting physical activity among school-age children using pedometers and rewards. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 16, 41- 46.

Fogel, V., Wiel, T.M. & Burns, H. (2010). Evaluating the efficacy of TAGteach as a training strategy for teaching a golf swing. Journal of Behavioral Health and Medicine, 1, 24-41.

Harrison, M.H. & Pyles, D.A. (2013). The effects of verbal instruction and shaping to improve tackling by high school football players. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46, 518-212.

Required websites:

Week 10

Required reading:

Woods, D., Miltenberger, R., & Carr, J. (2006). Introduction to the special section on clinical behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39, 407-411.

Recommended readings:

Daniel, J.T., & Wood, J.J. (2013). Cognitive-behavioural therapy for children with autism: review and considerations for future research. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 34, 702–715.

Hoffmann, A. N., Contreras, B. P., Clay, C. J., & Twohig, M. P. (2016). Acceptance and commitment therapy for individuals with disabilities: A behavior analytic strategy for addressing private events in challenging behavior. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(1), 14–24.

Twohig, M.P. (2012). Acceptance and commitment therapy: introduction. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 19, 499–507.

Recommended podcast:

Week 11

Required reading:

Miltenberger, R. G. (2008). Teaching safety skills to children: Prevention of firearm injury as an exemplar of best practice in assessment, training, and generalization of safety skills. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1(1), 30–36.

Miltenberger, R., & Olsen, L. (1996). Abduction prevention training: A review of findings and issues for future research. Education and Treatment of Children, 19, 69–82.

Yeaton, W. H., & Bailey, J. S. (1978). Teaching pedestrian safety skills to young children: an analysis and one-year follow up. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 11(3), 315–329.

Recommended readings:

Hanratty, L., Miltenberger, R., & Florentino, S. (2016). Evaluating the effectiveness of a teaching package utilizing behavioral skills training and in situ training to teach gun safety skills in a preschool classroom. Journal of Behavioral Education, 25, 310-323.

Harriage, B., Blair, K, & Miltenberger, R. (2016). An evaluation of a parent-implemented in situ pedestrian safety skills intervention for individuals with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46, 2017-2027.

Week 12

Required reading:

Dorey, N. R., Rosales-Ruiz, J., Smith, R., & Lovelace, B. (2009). Functional analysis and treatment of self-injury in a captive olive baboon. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42(4), 785–794.

Edwards, T. L., & Poling, A. (2011). Animal research in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(2), 409–412.

Mathews, J.R., & Lattal, K.A. (1994). A behavioral analysis of dog bites to childrenJournal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 15, 44–52.

Poling, A., Weetjens, B., Cox, C., Beyene, N.W., Bach, H., & Sully, A. (2011). Using trained pouched rats to detect land mines: Another victory for operant conditioning. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 351–355.

Recommended readings:

Martin, A. L., Bloomsmith, M. A., Kelley, M. E., Marr, M. J., & Maple, T. L. (2011). Functional analysis and treatment of human-directed undesirable behavior exhibited by a captive chimpanzee. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(1), 139–143.

Phelps, K., Miltenberger, R., Jens, T., & Wadeson, H. (2008). An investigation of the effects of dog visits on depression, mood, and social interaction in elderly individuals living in a nursing home. Behavioral Interventions, 23, 181-200.

Required website:

Recommended websites:

Week 13

Required reading:

Lorah, E.R., Parnell, A., Whitby, P.S., & Hantula, D. (2015). A systematic review of tablet computers and portable media players as speech generating devices for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (12), 3792-3804.

Kelly, M.P. (2017). Motivating all students in the inclusive classroom to actively respond: An overview of three practical strategies. In S. Abu-Rmaileh, A. Elsheikh, & S. Al Alami (Eds.), Motivation and Classroom Management: Theory, Practice, and Implications (pp. 37-48). United Arab Emirates: TESOL Arabia.

Recommended readings:

Boyer, E., Miltenberger, R., Batsche, C., & Fogel, V. (2009).VIDEO MODELING BY EXPERTS WITH VIDEO FEEDBACK TO ENHANCE GYMNASTICS SKILLS. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42, 855-860.

Brown, T.W., Killingsworth, K., & Alavosius, M.P. (2014). Interteaching: An evidence-based approach to instruction International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 26 (1), 132-139.

Jeffries, T., Crosland, K., & Miltenberger, R. (2016). Evaluating a tablet application and differential reinforcement to increase eye contact in children diagnosed with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 49, 182-187.

Valbuena, D., Miltenberger, R., & Solley, E. (2015). Evaluating an internet-based program and a behavioral coach for increasing physical activity. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 15, 122-138.

Required website:

Week 14

Required reading:

Buchanan, J., Husfeldt, J., Berg, T., & Houlihan, D. (2008). Publication trends in behavioral gerontology in the past 25 years: Are the elderly still an understudied population in behavioral research? Behavioral Interventions, 23, 65–74.

Burgio, L., & Burgio, K. (1986). Behavioral gerontology: Application of behavioral methods to the problems of older adults. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 19, 321–328.

Reid, D. H., Rosswurm, M., & Rotholz, D. A. (2018). No Less Worthy: Recommendations for Behavior Analysts Treating Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities with Dignity. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11(1), 71–79.

Recommended readings:

Baker, J. C., Hanley, G. P., & Mark Mathews, R. (2006). Staff administered functional analysis and treatment of aggression by an elder with dementia. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39(4), 469–474.

Kelly, M. P., Leader, G., & Reed, P. Factors producing overselectivity in older individuals. AGE, 38(3), 1-10.

Phelps, K., Miltenberger, R., Jens, T., & Wadeson, H. (2008). An investigation of the effects of dog visits on depression, mood, and social interaction in elderly individuals living in a nursing home. Behavioral Interventions, 23, 181-200.

Trahan, M. A., Kahng, S., Fisher, A. B., & Hausman, N. L. (2011). Behavior-analytic research on dementia in older adults. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(3), 687–691

Required websites:

The Behavioral Observations Podcast


The Behavioral Observations Podcast

Here is a list of the top 5 most-downloaded episodes:
  1. Session 20: A Questions & Answer show with Dr. Greg Hanley
  2. Session 1: Practical Functional Assessment with Dr. Greg Hanley
  3. Session 7: Teaching Functional Communication, Toleration, and Compliance Skills, with, you guessed it, Dr. Greg Hanley
  4. Session 34: Megan Miller Returns! Instructional Control, Extinction Alternatives, and More!
  5. Session 50: Get your ACT Together with Jonathan Tarbox!
  6. Session 3: Dr. Jon Bailey on Ethics for Behavior Analysts