To manage a database, click on the its Edit () icon.
- To add another database to this asset group, select Add to Group and follow Steps 3-8 above to select your database.
- What's a group? When you add databases next to each other in a box, they will automatically form a group.
- Databases in a group can be sorted by title; plus, when reordering content, you can move the entire group at once instead of each database individually.
- To customize the database's description, select Edit.
- Please note that this will only apply to this single mapping of the database. It will not affect the original database's description.
- Only Admin users can customize other database details, such as the name, vendor, or URL, via Content > A-Z Database List.
- To remove the database from your guide, select Remove.
- This will only remove that single mapping from your guide. It will not delete the database from your A-Z Database List.