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Plagiarism: Register for a Premium Account

How to Register

To access Grammarly Premium, set up a personal account using your ECAE email address.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your full name and ECAE email address.
  3. Choose your own password .
  4. Click the "Sign Up" button
  5. Grammarly will send you an email with a link to confirm your registration.
  6. Use itYou're ready to start using Grammarly Premium! You can upload documents to your account to get the Grammarly check, and/or install plugins and apps to streamline your work.

Note: Grammarly Premium is free for ECAE Users.

  • No access code is required.
  • You do not need to buy a license.
  • You do not need to enter any payment information.

Already have an account?

How to Switch from a Basic (Free) to a Premium Account (with ECAE email address)

grammarly premium logo


If you ever registered at (Basic) instead of (Premium), you need to log out by going to and clicking Log out in the left-side panel, then log in at Next, find the email "ACTION REQUIRED: Confirm your email" in your inbox and click Verify email

Alternatively, you can delete the Basic account you created by following the instructions described here. After that, go to to create a new account.