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Scholarly Publication: All you need to know: Percentile

Journal Impact Fctor Percentile


The Journal Impact Factor Percentile transforms the rank in category by Journal Impact Factor into a percentile value, allowing more meaningful cross-category comparison It is calculated by using the following formula:


  • N is the number of journals in the category
  • R is the Descending Rank

Publications in top journal percentiles

CiteScore Percentile

CiteScore Percentile indicates the relative standing of a serial title in its subject field.

A serial that has a CiteScore Percentile of 96% is ranked according to CiteScore as high or higher than 96% of titles in that category. A title will receive a CiteScore Percentile for each subject area in which it’s indexed in Scopus.


A percentage or total number figure of a researcher's publications which are published in top journal percentiles (top 1% and 10%). The top journal percentiles can be based on 3 different journal metrics provided by Elsevier - CiteScore, SNIP or SJR.


  • To highlight the presence of publications in journals that are likely to be perceived as the most prestigious in the world


  • Academic promotions, job applications, funding applications
  • Can be described as a percentage of total publications, or a total number


Journal Ranking and Percentile

Calculation of Citescore

In the following screen shot , we see the ranking of the 2018 CiteScore for the Forestry subject area in Scopus. (Scopus Sources, Elsevier, 2019). As with JIF,  evaluations between journals should always be made within categories as citation and publication behaviour across disciplines can vary hugely. The CiteScore Percentile is helpful with interpretation as it indicates the relative standing of a serial title in its subject field. The Percentile and Ranking are relative to a specific subject area.

Scopus CiteScore Forestry Category