Click on the PDF icon:
Click on the Download link (upper right of screen):
Find the PDF (a save box may open automatically, or you will find the PDF in your Downloads folder, or at bottom of screen for some browsers).
Save it using this format: Author - First part of title. In that way, your PDFs in your research folder will load alphabetically by author:
1. Click on the title of the result you want
2. To the right of the results, click on Save, Cite, or Export (Export will send the citation to a bibliographic manager of your choice):
3. If you click on Cite, for example, you will be able to choose to create a citation in any one of several formats. Then copy and paste it into a document. But be sure you correct any errors. The APA citation below, for example requires main title word to be put into lower case:
Once corrected, it looks like this:
Wynia, M. K., Eisenman, D., & Hanfling, D. (2017). Ideologically motivated violence: A public health approach to prevention. American Journal Of Public Health, 107(8), 1244-1246. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303907
1. Save the result citations you want by clicking on the blue icon to the right of each one. The blue icon will turn to a buff color once selected:
2. To the upper right, you will see a box that says, "Folder has items." Click on "Folder View."
3. You will see your citations, plus options to print, e-mail, save, or export them:
4. If you choose Save, for example, you can select a citation format and generate formatted citations to copy/paste into a document:
OneSearch has a opportunity for you to save results for a longer term. To initiate this, sign up at the top of the results screen, creating your own user name and password, and then sign in after you have done a search:
When you save results to folder, they will now go to your permanent folder, accessible at the top of the screen. It's like your own personal locker in the OneSearch system.
Within the Folder, you can create new subfolders for yourself by using this feature in the column to the left of your results:
You can then place your results in the folder of your choice:
When you open your chosen subfolder, you can print, e-mail, save/format, or export your citations, which will be there next time you visit OneSearch: