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Conducting a Literature Review

Reference Management Software

Advanced researchers often find that they need the help of reference management software to help them keep track of the various books and articles they have read, downloaded, copied, printed etc. This can be useful when you may have to refer to an important work within your dicipline more than a few times.

There are many products to choose from and they each have advantages and disadvantages.  All of them will allow one to enter the necessary information about an article or book into a database and later search for them using keywords. Many of them have additional and very useful functions, such as:

  1. Word Processor integration for easy in-text citations and bibliography creation
  2. Web Capture (single or multiple record)
  3. Importing from/Exporting to common bibliographic formats
  4. Direct search of databases and catalogs from inside the program
  5. Online storage and sharing of libraries
  6. Links to full-text online and/or on a hard drive.

Below is a comparison of some of the most commonly used Reference Management Software:

Links to Reference Management Software

A reference management service that provides researchers the resources to simplify the researcher’s workflow so they can concentrate on writing research papers. Maximize your researchers’ productivity with this easy-to-use tool for publishing and managing citations, bibliographies, and references.


Integrated tools for note-takingoutliningcitationdocument archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing.

Use NoodleTools Quick User Guide  for help in creating a new account and navigating some key features.

You need to access NoodleTools account via Office 365 account

Tutorials on using NoodleTools



Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.