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M.Ed.Special and Inclusive Education (SIE): EDUSIE6- Technology for the Inclusive Classroom

Course Description

Students will critically discuss the use of emerging technologies to support and improve teaching and learning of diverse students in the inclusive setting. Students will research and discuss the use of evidence-based instructional and assistive technology tools that have been proven effective for improving student academic, social, and behavioral outcomes in the general educatin classroom. Students will critically discuss various types of low-tech and high-tech assistive technology used to support students of determination in achieving Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals. Students will also engage in critiquing instructional and assistive technology tools that are commonly used with students of determination. Students will use a problem solving approach to create a plan for developing a technology-rich classroom environment that supports a diverse group of students, including those of determination.


Raja, R., & Nagasubramani, P. C. (2018). Impact of modern technology in education. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1), 33-35.

McKnight, K., O'Malley, K., Ruzic, R., Horsley, M. K., Franey, J. J., & Bassett, K. (2016). Teaching in a digital age: How educators use technology to improve student learning. Journal of research on technology in education, 48(3), 194-211.

Cagiltay, K., Cakir, H., Karasu, N., Islim, O. F., & Cicek, F. (2019). Use of educational technology in special education: Perceptions of teachers. Participatory Educational Research, 6(2), 189-205.

Carver, L. B. (2016). Teacher perception of barriers and benefits in K-12 technology usage. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 15(1), 110-116.

Siyam, N. (2019). Factors impacting special education teachers’ acceptance and actual use of technology. Education and Information Technologies, 24(3), 2035-2057.

Nelson, N. J., Fien, H., Doabler, C. T., & Clarke, B. (2016). Considerations for realizing the promise of educational gaming technology. Teaching Exceptional Children, 48(6), 293-300

Jamshidifarsani, H., Garbaya, S., Lim, T., Blazevic, P., & Ritchie, J. M. (2019). Technology-based reading intervention programs for elementary grades: An analytical review. Computers & Education, 128, 427-451

Kim, M. K., McKenna, J. W., & Park, Y. (2017). The use of computer-assisted instruction to improve the reading comprehension of students with learning disabilities: An evaluation of the evidence base according to the what works clearinghouse standards. Remedial and Special Education, 38(4), 233-245.

Boyle, J. R., & Joyce, R. L. (2019). Smartpen technology for note taking in inclusive English/language art classes. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 35(6), 525-538.

Evmenova, A. S., Regan, K., & Hutchison, A. (2020). AT for writing: Technology-based graphic organizers with embedded supports. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 52(4), 266-269.

Kaczorowski, T. L., Hashey, A. I., & Di Cesare, D. M. (2019). An exploration of multimedia supports for diverse learners during core math instruction. Journal of Special Education Technology, 34(1), 41-54.

Satsangi, R., Hammer, R., & Bouck, E. C. (2020). Using video modeling to teach geometry word problems: A strategy for students with learning disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 41(5), 309-320.

Kaur, D., Koval, A., & Chaney, H. (2017). Potential of Using iPad as a Supplement to Teach Math to Students with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 3(1), 114-121.

Yakubova, G., Hughes, E. M., & Baer, B. L. (2020). Supporting students with ASD in mathematics learning using video-based concrete-representational-abstract sequencing instruction. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 64(1), 12-18

Riden, B. S., Markelz, A. M., & Randolph, K. M. (2019). Creating positive classroom environments with electronic behavior management programs. Journal of Special Education Technology, 34(2), 133-141.

Robacker, C. M., Rivera, C. J., & Warren, S. H. (2016). A token economy made easy through ClassDojo. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52(1), 39-43.

Bond, M., & Bedenlier, S. (2019). Facilitating Student Engagement through Educational Technology: Towards a Conceptual Framework. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2019(1

El Zein, F., Gevarter, C., Bryant, B., Son, S. H., Bryant, D., Kim, M., & Solis, M. (2016). A comparison between iPad-assisted and teacher-directed reading instruction for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 28(2), 195-215

Taylor, M. S., Lohmann, M. J., & Kappel, A. (2020). Using Assistive Technology to Support Science Instruction in the Inclusive Elementary Classroom. Journal of Special Education Technology, 0162643420947826.

Ahmed, A. (2018). Perceptions of using assistive technology for students with disabilities in the classroom. International Journal of Special Education, 33(1), 129-139

Maich, K., & Hall, C. (2016). Implementing iPads in the inclusive classroom setting. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51(3), 145- 150

Ok, M. W., & Rao, K. (2019). Digital tools for the inclusive classroom: Google chrome as assistive and instructional technology. Journal of Special Education Technology, 34(3), 204- 211.




  • LMS platform access to students (as instructors)
  • Internet
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Inspiration/2Connect
  • Multimedia authoring software
  • Students’ mobile devices; Student laptops; Students’ digital cameras and digital camcorders
  • Blank media; Headset
  • Animation Software
  • Microsoft Office
  • WhiteBoard and Notebook within Teams
  • A range of ICT tools