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ProQuest Ebook Central: Product Education

Upcoming Trainings

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Recorded Training Sessions

A series of short, getting started videos.  Scroll down for e-learning modules for a wide scope of education on Ebook Central.

From the Ebook Central Product Management team, a series of video recordings on topics surrounding the value of DDA, DRM-free titles, and ATO.  Also covered are ebook acquisition models and an overview of title reports. 

Need a quick tour of LibCentral--the driving force and admin portal behind Ebook Central?  Listen to this recording;

Faculty using Ebook Central to find materials for their courses can watch this webinar:

Product Training Modules - Beginning and Intermediate

Module: Ebook Central: Finding and Sharing Subject Focused Ebooks

Intended Audience: Subject librarians and others interested in compiling and sharing a group of ebooks

Description and Objectives:  This session covers using Ebook Central to create and share online course reading lists, subject or topic focused ebook collections, and new title lists. 

Objectives include the following:

  • Execute a subject search
  • Select results and add to the bookshelf
  • Share with students and faculty

Duration: 4 minutes

Module: Academic Complete: Find Your Next Great Read

Intended Audience: Anyone interested in exploring more from the book detail page

Description and Objectives:  Learn how Academic Complete uses Syndetics enrichments to facilitate enhanced navigation and engagement with ebooks from the Ebook Central book detail page.

Objectives include the following:

  • Navigate enriched pathways for discovery and exploration of ebooks
  • Access related content directly from an ebook detail page
  • Evaluate titles using reviews, recommendations and other key tools

Duration: 3.5 minutes


Module: Ebook Central: Chapter Download

Intended Audience: End users who wish to download part of a book

Description and Objectives:  This session covers using Ebook Central to select and download just a chapter or specific pages.

Objectives include the following:

  • Identify options for downloading eBook chapters
  • Select text and cite materials
  • Utilize the Bookshelf to save annotations, share links, and track downloads

Duration: 4.5 minutes


Module: LibCentral: Usage Reports for Administrators

Intended Audience: Ebook Central Administrators

Description and Objectives:  This session provides an overview of LibCentral Usage Reports.

Objectives include the following:

  • Determine when to employ Usage Reports
  • Create Usage Reports
  • Generate a summary of the most-used Ebook Central titles and subjects for your institution​

Duration: 4 minutes

Module: LibCentral: Title Reports for Administrators

Intended Audience: Ebook Central Administrators

Description and Objectives:  This session provides an overview of LibCentral Title Reports.

Objectives include the following:

  • Determine when to use Title Reports
  • Prepare Usage Reports
  • Download a list of DRM-free titles

Duration: 4 minutes

Module: LibCentral: COUNTER Reports for Administrators

Intended Audience: Ebook Central Administrators

Description and Objectives:  This session provides an overview COUNTER 5 reports accessible in LibCentral and distinguishes the reports from COUNTER 4.

Objectives include the following:

  • Differentiate COUNTER 4 and COUNTER 5 book reports
  • Define and distinguish the types of COUNTER 5 book reports
  • Create COUNTER reports using LibCentral

Duration: 6 minutes

Module: LibCentral: DDA Budget Tracker for Administrators

Intended Audience: Ebook Central Administrators

Description and Objectives:  This session addresses the DDA Budget Tracker.

Objectives include the following:

  • Understand what the new DDA Budget Tracker is and how it functions in LibCentral
  • Set up the DDA Budget Tracker for your library
  • Coordinate your deposit account with the DDA Budget Tracker

Duration: 5 minutes

Module: LibCentral: Access and Permissions for Administrators

Intended Audience: Ebook Central Administrators

Description and Objectives:  This session demonstrates how to use the administrative portal to manage librarians and patrons.

Objectives include the following:

  • Learn how to use LibCentral to add new librarians
  • Create new options and permissions for specific librarian types
  • Manage patron accounts and requests

Duration: 4 minutes