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PGDE: EDU6006 - ICT Integrated Learning and Teaching


This course is designed for in-service or pre-service teachers who will be functioning in a 21st century school which is increasingly dominated by electronic innovations. It will support students with the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning. The course covers a wide range of technologies including emerging technologies. It discusses theoretical and conceptual frameworks underpinning ICT integration. Student will critically evaluate ICT integration in a range of scenarios while considering risks and contingency plans. Students will be engaged in developing and presenting an original ICT product to show competency in design and implementation.

Journal articles

Makransky, G., Terkildsen, T. S., & Mayer, R. E. (2017). Adding immersive virtual reality to a science lab simulation causes more presence but less learning. Learning and Instruction, 6(1), 225-236.

Cochran-Smith, M. et al. (2017). Teacher quality and teacher education policy. In M. Akiba, & LeTendre G. K. (Eds). International handbook of teacher quality and policy. Routledge.

Fitchett, P. G. & Fitchett, P. (2018). Teacher quality or quality Teaching? Eighth grade social studies teachers’ professional characteristics and classroom instruction as predictors of U.S. history achievement. RMLE Online, 41(9). 10-22. 2110.1080/19404476.2018.1514826

Wiseman, A. W., Davidson, P. M., & Brereton, J. P. (2017). Teacher quality in Gulf cooperation council (GCC) countries. In M. Akiba, & LeTendre G. K. (Eds). International handbook of teacher quality and policy. Routledge.

Goe, L., Alkaabi, A. K. & Tannenbaum, R. J (2020). Listening to and supporting teachers in the United Arab Emirates: Promoting educational success for the nation. ETS Research Report Series.

Manning, A., Brock, R. & Towers, E. (2020). An interview study of the teacher wellbeing support being offered in ten English schools. Journal of Social Science Education, 19 (2), 75-94.

Littlecott, H. J., Moore, G. F, & Murphy, S. M. (2018). Student health and well-being in secondary schools: The role of school support staff alongside teaching staff. Pastoral Care in Education, 36(4), 297-312. 10.1080/02643944.2018.1528624

Cherkowski, S. (2018). Positive teacher leadership: Building mindsets and capacities to grow wellbeing. International Journal of Teacher Leadership 63(1).

Darling-Hammond, L. & DePaoli, J. (2020). Why school climate matters and what can be done to improve it?

Newland L. A. et al. (2019). A phenomenological exploration of children’s school life and well-being. Learning Environments Research, 22, 311–323.

Ben Brik, A., Lansford, J. E., & Al Fara, H. (2020). Policies and programmes to promote child well-being in the Gulf countries. Early Child Development & Care, 190(12), 1945.

Turner, K. & Thielking, M. (2019). Teacher wellbeing: Its effects on teaching practice and student learning. Issues in Educational Research, 29(3).

O’Brien, M., & Blue, L. (2018) Towards a positive pedagogy: Designing pedagogical practices that facilitate positivity within the classroom. Educational Action Research, 26(3), 365-384. 10.1080/09650792.2017.1339620.

Khalil, N., & Aldridge, J. (2019). Assessing students’ perceptions of their learning environment in science classes in the United Arab Emirates. Learning Environments Research, 22, 365–386.

Nichols, J.D., & Zhang, G. (2011). Classroom environments and student empowerment: An analysis of elementary and secondary teacher beliefs. Learning Environments Research, 14, 229–239.

Wang T. (2019). Competence for students’ future: Curriculum change and policy redesign in China. ECNU Review of Education. 2(2),234-245. 10.1177/2096531119850905

Aydin, A. et al. (2017). Meeting the challenges of curriculum and instruction in school settings in the United States. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 8 (3),76-92.

Gleeson, J., Klenowski, V., & Looney, A. (2020) Curriculum change in Australia and Ireland: A comparative study of recent reforms, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 52(4), 478-497. 10.1080/00220272.2019.1704064

Matsumoto, A. (2019). Literature review on education reform in the UAE. International Journal of Educational Reform. 28(1), 4-23. 10.1177/1056787918824188

Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. (2017). Curriculum: foundations, principles, and issues. Pearson. (Chapter 10, ECAE: LB2806.15. O76 2017)

McPhail, G. (2020). The search for deep learning: A curriculum coherence model. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 10.1080/00220272.2020.1748231

Restad, F. & Mølstad, C. E. (2020) Social and emotional skills in curriculum reform: A red line for measurability? Journal of Curriculum Studies. 10.1080/00220272.2020.1716391

Manyukhina, Y. & Wyse, D. (2019) Learner agency and the curriculum: A critical realist perspective, The Curriculum Journal. 30(3), 223-243. 10.1080/09585176.2019.1599973

Schunk, D. H. (2012). Learning theories: An educational perspective (6th Ed). Pearson. (Chapter 6: section on constructivism: Assumptions and perspectives, pp.230-248).

Krahenbuhl, K. S. (2016). Student-centered education and constructivism: Challenges, concerns, and clarity for teachers. Clearing House, 89(3), 97–105.

Lobb, H. (2020). A student-centred approach to teaching. Agora, 55(2), 23–25.

Mello, R. R. (2012). From constructivism to dialogism in the classroom. Theory and learning environments. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 1(2),127-152.

Duru, S. (2015). A Metaphor analysis of elementary student teachers’ conceptions of teachers in student- and teacher-centered contexts. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 60, 281–300.

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (2013). Behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 26(2), 43-71.

Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., Tuominen, M., & Tirri, K. (2019). In search of a growth mindset pedagogy: A case study of one teacher's classroom practices in a Finnish elementary school. Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, 204-213.

Loughran, J. (2013). Pedagogy: Making sense of the complex relationship between teaching and learning. Curriculum Inquiry, 43(1), 118-141. 10.1111/curi.12003

Wright, P. (2020) Visible and socially-just pedagogy: Implications for mathematics teacher education. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 10.1080/00220272.2020.1790667

DeLuca, C., Chapman-Chin, A.E.A., LaPointe-McEwan, D. & Klinger, D. A. (2018). Student perspectives on assessment for learning. The Curriculum Journal, 29 (1), 77- 94. 10.1080/09585176.2017.1401550

Bennett, R.E. (2011) Formative assessment: A critical review. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 18(1)5-25. 10.1080/0969594X.2010.513678

Hill, M. F. (2011). Getting traction: Enablers and barriers to implementing assessment for learning in secondary schools, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 18(4), 347-364. 10.1080/0969594X.2011.600247

Heritage, M. (2016). Assessment for Learning: Co-regulation in and as student- teacher interaction. In D. Laveault & L. Allal (Eds). Assessment for learning: Meeting the challenge of implementation. Springer. (LB2822.75.A868 201)

Dignath, C., & Büttner, G. (2018). Teachers’ direct and indirect promotion of self-regulated learning in primary and secondary school mathematics classes – insights from video-based classroom observations and teacher interviews. Metacognition Learning, 13, 127–157.

Peel, K. L. (2020). Everyday classroom teaching practices for self-regulated learning. Issues in Educational Research, 30(1), 260-282.

Robson, S. (2016). Self-regulation and metacognition in young children: Does it matter if adults are present or not? British Educational Research Journal, 42(2), 185–206.

Paletta, A. (2019). How do school leaders respond to the growing intrusiveness of accountability policies? Evidence from Italy. Journal of Educational Administration & History, 51(4), 381–401.

Buckner, E., Chedda, S., & Kindreich, J. (2016). Teacher professional development in the UAE: What do teachers actually want? Policy Paper No 16.

Hilton, A., Hilton, G., Dole, S., & Goos, M. (2015). School leaders as participants in teachers’ professional development: The impact on teachers’ and school leaders’ professional growth. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(12).

Postholm, M. B. & Boylan, M. (2018). Teachers’ professional development in school: A review study. Cogent Education, 5(1). 10.1080/2331186X.2018.1522781

• Svendsen, B. (2020). Inquiries into teacher professional development-What matters? Education, 140(3), 111–130.

Holloway, J. (2020). Teacher accountability, datafication and evaluation: A Case for reimagining schooling. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(56).

Himmetoglu, B., Aydug, D., BayrakTurkish, C. (2017). Opinions of school administrators about accountability in educational organizations. Turkish 8(1), 39-68. 10.17569/tojqi.288852 Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry,

Holloway, J. (2020). Teacher accountability, datafication and evaluation: A Case for reimagining schooling. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28(56).

Reinke, W. M., Stormont, M., Herman, K. C., Wang, Z., Newcomer, L., & King, K. (2014). Use of coaching and behavior support planning for students with disruptive behavior within a universal classroom management program. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 22(2), 74–82.

Flower, A., McKenna, J. W., Bunuan, R. L., Muething, C. S., & Vega, R. (2014). Effects of the Good Behavior Game on challenging behaviors in school settings. Review of Educational Research, 84(4), 546–571.

Nolan, J. D., Houlihan, D., Wanzek, M., & Jenson, W. R. (2014). The Good Behavior Game: A classroom-behavior intervention effective across cultures. School Psychology International, 35(2), 191–205.

Korpershoek, H., Harms, T., de Boer, H., van Kuijk, M., & Doolaard, S. (2016). A meta-analysis of the effects of classroom management strategies and classroom management programs on students’ academic, behavioral, emotional, and motivational outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 86(3), 643–680.

Dicke, T., Elling, J., Schmeck, A., & Leutner, D. (2015). Reducing reality shock: The effects of classroom management skills training on beginning teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 48, 1–12.

Hendrickx, M. M. H. G., Mainhard, M. T., Boor-Klip, H. J., Cillessen, A. H. M., & Brekelmans, M.(2016). Social dynamics in the classroom: Teacher support and conflict and the peer ecology.Teaching and Teacher Education, 53, 30–40.

Martin, N. K., Schafer, N. J., McClowry, S., Emmer, E. T., Brekelmans, M., Mainhard, T., & Wubbels, T. (2016). Expanding the definition of classroom management: Recurring themes and new conceptualizations. The Journal of Classroom Interaction, 51(1), 31.

Allen. I., & Seaman, J. (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. New York: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

DiPietro, M. (2010). Virtual school pedagogy: The instructional practices of K–12 virtual school teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research,42(3), 327–354.

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson
Chapter 2: Theory into practice: Foundations for effective technology integration

Bull, P. (2013). Cognitive constructivist theory of multimedia: Designing teacher-made interactive digital. Creative Education, 4(9), 614–619.

Devaney, L. (2013, November 13). More educators turning to educational gaming. eSchool News.

Ak, S. (2011). The effects of computer supported problem based learning on students’ approaches to learning. Current Issues in Education, 14(1).

Castleberry, G., & Evers, R. (2010). Twenty ways to incorporate technology into the modern language classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic, 45(3), 201–205.

Papadakis, S., Vaiopoulou, J., Kalogiannakis, M. & Stamovlasis, D. (2020). developing and exploring an evaluation tool for educational Apps (E.T.E.A.) targeting kindergarten children.

Israel, M., Marino, M. T., Basham, J. D. & Spivak W. (2014). Fifth graders as app designers how diverse learners conceptualize educational apps. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 46(1), 53-80.

Holden, J., & Westfall, P., & Emeriti, C. (2010). An instructional media selection guide for distance learning: Implications for blended learning featuring an introduction to virtual world (2nd Ed.). USDLA.

Dede, C., Richards, J. (2012). Digital teaching platforms: Customizing classroom learning for each student. Teachers College Press.

Alrasheedi, M., & Capretz, L. F. (2015). Determination of critical success factors affecting mobile learning: A meta-analysis approach. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 14(2), 41.

Herro, D., & Quigley, C. (2017). Exploring teachers’ perceptions of STEAM teaching through professional development: implications for teacher educators. Professional Development in Education, 43(3), 416-438.

Kim, D., & Bolger, M. (2017). Analysis of Korean elementary pre-service teachers’ changing attitudes about integrated STEAM pedagogy through developing lesson plans. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(4), 587-605.

Castleberry, G., & Evers, R. (2010). Twenty ways to incorporate technology into the modern language classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic,
45(3), 201–205

Glenberg, A., Goldberg, A., & Zhu, X. (2011). Improving early reading comprehension using embodied CAI. Instructional Science, 39(1), 27–39.

Newby, T., Stepich, D., Lehman, J., Russell, J., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2011). Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (4th Ed.). Pearson.

Edyburn, D. (2013a). Critical issues in advancing the special education technology evidence-base. Exceptional Children, 80(1), 7–24.

Dede, C., Richards, J. (2012). Digital teaching platforms: Customizing classroom learning for each student. Teachers College Press.

Edyburn, D.L. (2013b). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Lee, I., Martin, F., & Apone, K. (2014). Integrating computational thinking across the K--8 curriculum. Acm Inroads, 5(4), 64-71.

Serrat, O. (2017). Design thinking. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 129-134). Springer.

Wrigley, C., & Straker, K. (2017). Design thinking pedagogy: The educational design ladder. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(4), 374-385.

Ouyang, F., & Scharber, C. (2017). The influences of an experienced instructor's discussion design and facilitation on an online learning community development: A social network analysis study. The Internet and Higher Education, 35, 34-47.

Devaney, L. (2013, November 13). More educators turning to educational gaming. eSchool News.

Makransky, G., Terkildsen, T. S., & Mayer, R. E. (2017). Adding immersive virtual reality to a science lab simulation causes more presence but less learning. Learning and Instruction, 6(1), 225-236

Lorenzo, G., Pomares, J., & Lledó, A. (2013). Inclusion of immersive virtual learning environments and visual control systems to support the learning of students with Asperger syndrome. Computers & Education, 62, 88-101.

Edyburn, D. (2013a). Critical issues in advancing the special education technology evidence-base. Exceptional Children, 80(1), 7–24.

DiPietro, M. (2010). Virtual school pedagogy: The instructional practices of K–12 virtual school teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 42(3), 327–354.

Ak, S. (2011). The effects of computer supported problem based learning on students’ approaches to learning. Current Issues in Education, 14(1).

Papadakis, S., Vaiopoulou, J., Kalogiannakis, M. & Stamovlasis, D. (2020). developing and exploring an evaluation tool for educational Apps (E.T.E.A.) targeting kindergarten children.

Holden, J., & Westfall, P., & Emeriti, C. (2010). An instructional media selection guide for distance learning: Implications for blended learning featuring an introduction to virtual world (2nd Ed.). USDLA.

Alrasheedi, M., & Capretz, L. F. (2015). Determination of critical success factors affecting mobile learning: A meta-analysis approach. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 14(2), 41.

Herro, D., & Quigley, C. (2017). Exploring teachers’ perceptions of STEAM teaching through professional development: implications for teacher educators. Professional Development in Education, 43(3), 416-438.

Kim, D., & Bolger, M. (2017). Analysis of Korean elementary pre-service teachers’ changing attitudes about integrated STEAM pedagogy through developing lesson plans. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(4), 587-605

Castleberry, G., & Evers, R. (2010). Twenty ways to incorporate technology into the modern language classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic, 45(3), 201–205.

Glenberg, A., Goldberg, A., & Zhu, X. (2011). Improving early reading comprehension using embodied CAI. Instructional Science, 39(1), 27–39.

Wrigley, C., & Straker, K. (2017). Design thinking pedagogy: The educational design ladder. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(4), 374-385.

Teacher-student relationships and classroom management. In E. Handbook of classroom management











































































Software and online resources



Week 1

Required Readings:

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 1: Educational technology in context: The big picture

Recommended Readings:

Allen. I., & Seaman, J. (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. New York: The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. DiPietro, M. (2010). Virtual school pedagogy: The instructional practices of K–12 virtual school teachers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 42(3), 327–354.


Week 2

Required Readings

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson
Chapter 2: Theory into practice: Foundations for effective technology integration

Recommended Readings

Bull, P. (2013). Cognitive constructivist theory of multimedia: Designing teacher-made interactive digital. Creative Education, 4(9), 614–619.


Week 3

Required Readings:

Devaney, L. (2013, November 13). More educators turning to educational gaming. eSchool News.Chapter 3: Instructional software for 21st century teaching

Recommended Readings:

Ak, S. (2011). The effects of computer supported problem based learning on students’ approaches to learning. Current Issues in Education, 14(1). Weiss, D. (2017). The effect of combining 1: 1 computing, interactive core curriculum, and digital teaching platform on learning math: The case of a charter school in New York City. In Handbook on Digital Learning for K-12 Schools (pp. 341-354). Springer.


Week 4

Required Reading:

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 4: Technology tools for 21st century teaching: The basic suite

Recommended Readings:

Castleberry, G., & Evers, R. (2010). Twenty ways to incorporate technology into the modern language classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic,
45(3), 201–205

Week 5

Required Reading:

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 5: Technology tools for 21st century teaching: Beyond the basics

Recommended Readings:

Papadakis, S., Vaiopoulou, J., Kalogiannakis, M. & Stamovlasis, D. (2020). developing and exploring an evaluation tool for educational Apps (E.T.E.A.) targeting kindergarten children.


Week 6

Required Readings:

Makransky, G., Terkildsen, T. S., & Mayer, R. E. (2017). Adding immersive virtual reality to a science lab simulation causes more presence but less learning. Learning and Instruction, 6(1), 225-236.  Lorenzo, G., Pomares, J., & Lledó, A. (2013). Inclusion of immersive virtual learning environments and visual control systems to support the learning of students with Asperger syndrome. Computers & Education, 62, 88-101

Recommended Readings:

Shute, V., Rahimi, S., & Emihovich, B. (2017). Assessment for learning in immersive environments. In Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities in Education (pp. 71-87). Springer.


Week 6

Required Reading:

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 6: Online tools, uses, and webpage-based development

Recommended Readings :

Israel, M., Marino, M. T., Basham, J. D. & Spivak W. (2014). Fifth graders as app designers how diverse learners conceptualize educational apps. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 46(1), 53-80.

Week 8

Required Reading :

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 7: Introduction to distance education: Online and blended environments Online tools, uses, and webpage-based development

Recommended Readings :

Dede, C., Richards, J. (2012). Digital teaching platforms: Customizing classroom learning for each student. Teachers College Press. Holden, J., & Westfall, P., & Emeriti, C. (2010). An instructional media selection guide for distance learning: Implications for blended learning featuring an introduction to virtual world (2nd Ed.). USDLA. Assignment 1 is Due:

Week 9

Required Readings:

Pombo, L., Marques, M. M., Carlos, V., Guerra, C., Lucas, M., & Loureiro, M. J. (2017, June). Augmented reality and mobile learning in a smart urban park: Pupils’ perceptions of the EduPARK game. In Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (pp. 90-100). Springer. In Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (pp. 90-100). Springer.Kek, M. Y. C. A., & Huijser, H. (2017). Towards an ecology for connected learning. In Problem-based Learning into the Future (pp. 13-30). Springer.


Recommended Readings:

Alrasheedi, M., & Capretz, L. F. (2015). Determination of critical success factors affecting mobile learning: A meta-analysis approach. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 14(2), 41.


Week 10


Required Readings:

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 11: Teaching and learning with technology in mathematics and science

Recommended Readings:

Herro, D., & Quigley, C. (2017). Exploring teachers’ perceptions of STEAM teaching through professional development: implications for teacher educators. Professional Development in Education, 43(3), 416-438. Kim, D., & Bolger, M. (2017). Analysis of Korean elementary preservice teachers’ changing attitudes about integrated STEAM pedagogy through developing lesson plans. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(4), 587-605.

week 11

Required Readings :

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 9: Teaching and learning with technology in English and language arts

Recommended Readings:

Castleberry, G., & Evers, R. (2010). Twenty ways to incorporate technology into the modern language classroom. Intervention in School and Clinic, 45(3), 201–205.v  Glenberg, A., Goldberg, A., & Zhu, X. (2011). Improving early reading comprehension using embodied CAI. Instructional Science, 39(1), 27–39. 9096-7

Week 12

Required Readings :

Nikolic, B. & Ruznic-Dimitrijevic, L. (2009). Risk assessment of information systems. 615Nikolic673.pdf

Recommended Readings:

Newby, T., Stepich, D., Lehman, J., Russell, J., & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2011). Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (4th Ed.). Pearson.

Week 13

Required Readings :

Edyburn, D. (2013a). Critical issues in advancing the special education technology evidence-base. Exceptional Children, 80(1), 7–24. Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 15: Teaching and learning with technology in special education

Recommended Readings :

Dede, C., Richards, J. (2012). Digital teaching platforms: Customizing classroom learning for each student. Teachers College Press. Teachers College Press. Edyburn, D.L. (2013b). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Week 14

Required Readings:

Lee, I., Martin, F., & Apone, K. (2014). Integrating computational thinking across the K--8 curriculum. Acm Inroads, 5(4), 64-71. Serrat, O. (2017). Design thinking. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 129-134). Springer.

Recommended Readings :

Wrigley, C., & Straker, K. (2017). Design thinking pedagogy: The educational design ladder. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(4), 374-385.


Week 15

Required Readings :

Dereshiwsky, M. I. (2018). Fostering effective learning community in the online classroom. In Enhancing Education Through Open Degree Programs and Prior Learning Assessment (pp. 203-219). IGI Global. Ouyang, F., & Scharber, C. (2017). The influences of an experienced instructor's discussion design and facilitation on an online learning community development: A social network analysis study. The Internet and Higher Education, 35, 34-47.

Recommended Readings:

Garrison, D. R. (2016). E-learning in the 21st Century: A community of inquiry framework for research and practice. Routledge.


McCallum, F. (2020). The Changing nature of teachers’ work and its impact on wellbeing. In Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning and Leadership (pp. 17-44). Springer.

Rogers, B. (2015). Classroom behavior: a practical guide to effective teaching, behavior management and colleague support. (pp. 7-36). Sage. Chapter 1: The dynamics of classroom behavior.

Hendrickx, M. M. H. G., Mainhard, M. T., Boor-Klip, H. J., Cillessen, A. H. M., & Brekelmans, M. (2016). Social dynamics in the classroom: Teacher support and conflict and the peer ecology. Teaching and Teacher Education, 53, 30–40.

Martin, N. K., Schafer, N. J., McClowry, S., Emmer, E. T., Brekelmans, M., Mainhard, T., & Wubbels, T. (2016). Expanding the definition of classroom management: Recurring themes and new conceptualizations. The Journal of Classroom Interaction, 51(1), 31.

Bluestein, J. (2014). Managing 21st century classrooms: How do I avoid ineffective classroom management practices? (ASCD Arias). ASCD.

Levin, J. & Nolan, J.F. (2010). Principles of classroom management. A professional decision-making model. 6th Edition. (pp. 76-96). Pearson. Chapter 4: Philosophical approaches to classroom management.

Powell, R. G., & Powell, D. L. (2010). Classroom communication and diversity: Enhancing instructional practice (2nd ed.). Routledge. Chapters 1–5.

Fraser, B. (2015). Classroom learning environments. In Encyclopaedia of Science Education (pp. 154-157). Springer

Arens, A. K., & Möller, J. (2016). Dimensional comparisons in students' perceptions of the learning environment. Learning and Instruction, 42, 22-30.

White, J., & Gardner, J. (2013). The classroom X-Factor: The power of body language and non-verbal communication in teaching. (pp. 46-63). Routledge. Chapter 9: Body language.

Vizard, D. (2012). How to manage behavior in further education. Second Edition. (pp. 57-69). Sage.Chapter 5: The importance of body language,

Wubbels, T., Brekelmans, M., Pj, B., Wijsman, L., Mainhard, T., & Tartwijk, J. (2015). Teacher-student relationships and classroom management. In E. T. Emmer & E. J. Sabornie (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management (2nd ed., pp. 363–386). Routledge.

Smith, S., & Yell, M. (2013). A teacher's guide to preventing behavior problems in the elementary classroom. B(pp. 94-113). Pearson. Chapter 6: Preventing problem behavior through effective teaching.

Jiménez-Barbero, J. A., Ruiz-Hernández, J. A., Llor-Zaragoza, L., Pérez-García, M., & Llor-Esteban, B. (2016). Effectiveness of anti-bullying school programs: A meta-analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 61, 165-175.

Rogers, B. (2015). Classroom behavior: a practical guide to effective teaching, behavior management and colleague support. (pp. 37-80). Sage.
Chapter 2: New class, new year: the establishment phase of behavior management.

Hulac, D. M., & Briesch, A. M. (2017). Evidence-based strategies for effective classroom management. Guildford. Chapters 3–7.

Bear, G. G. (2015). Preventive and classroom-based strategies. In E. T. Emmer & E. J. Sabornie (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management (2nd ed., pp. 15–38). Routledge.

Kelly, M. P. (2017). Motivating all students in the inclusive classroom to actively respond: An overview of three practical strategies. In S. Abu-Rmaileh, A. Elsheikh, & S. Al Alami (Eds.), Motivation and Classroom Management: Theory, Practice, and Implications (pp. 37-48). TESOL Arabia.

Rogers, B. (2015). Classroom behavior: a practical guide to effective teaching, behavior management and colleague support. (pp. 167-200). Sage.
Chapter 6: Challenging children and children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Bolick, C., M., & Bartels, J. T. (2015). Classroom management and technology. In E. T. Emmer & E. J. Sabornie (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management (2nd ed., pp. 479–495). Routledge.

Rogers, B. (2015). Classroom behavior: a practical guide to effective teaching, behavior management and colleague support. (pp. 7-37). Sage.
Chapter 1: The dynamics of classroom behavior

Levin, J. & Nolan, J.F. (2010). Principles of classroom management. A professional decision-making model. Sixth Edition. (pp. 76-96). Pearson Education.Chapter 4: Philosophical approaches to classroom management.

Powell, R. G., & Powell, D. L. (2010). Classroom communication and diversity: Enhancing instructional practice (2nd ed.). Routledge.Chapters 1–5.

Fraser, B. (2015). Classroom learning environments. In Encyclopaedia of Science Education (pp. 154-157). Springer.

Roblyer, M.D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching (7th Ed.). Pearson Chapter 1: Educational technology in context: The big picture.

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